Preventive Care (Prophylaxis)



Professional tooth cleanings performed by a dental hygienist are essential in the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.


Before the actual cleaning, a detailed dental status is recorded. A staining solution is often applied to make hidden plaque visible to the patient. We are happy to take intraoral enlargements (photographs) for our patients to motivate them and to show concealed problem areas. You can only see what you know.

In the first step of cleaning, tartar and plaque are removed from the teeth using ultrasound and Airflow®. The spaces between the teeth are then flossed and cleaned.


Solid deposits, which often form below the gingival margin, are gently removed with special instruments. Gum pockets are also rinsed and disinfected.


If the consumption of nicotine, coffee or red wine has led to discolouration, the resulting dark deposits are gently cleaned with a high-pressure powder-water jet (Airflow®) before all tooth surfaces are thoroughly polished smooth.


Finally, all tooth surfaces are coated with fluoride varnish for better protection against caries. The fluoride hardens the enamel and protects the tooth against bacterial acid attacks. This reduces the risk of tooth decay and remineralises pre-existing minor decalcifications of the enamel surface.









Dr. med. dent. Isabel Selmair

Clemensstraße 21a

80803 München



Die Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Selmair in München Schwabing bietet Ihnen unter anderem folgende Leistungen:


Amalgam-Sanierung | Ästhetische Rekonstruktionen | Füllungen | Zahnersatz (Prothetik) | Vorsorge (Prophylaxe) | Wurzelbehandlung (Endodontie) | Behandlung von Parodontitis | Schienentherapie | Minimalinvasive Füllungstechniken | Kinderzahnheilkunde | Alterszahnheilkunde | Recall System | Präventive Zahnheilkunde | amalgamfreie Praxis | hochwertige Kunststofffüllungen | hochwertiger Zahnersatz: Inlays | Kronen | Brücken | Veneers | Teleskop- und Geschiebearbeiten | Implantatprothetik | Totalprothetik | ästhetische und kosmetische Zahnheilkunde: Farb- und Formoptimierung | Bleaching | Internes Bleaching | Individualprophylaxe | Recall-System | moderne Endodontie | Schienentherapie | Sportschutzschiene | Schnarcherschiene | Zahnärztliche Chirurgie | Panorama-Röntgen | Digitales Röntgen | schmerzfreie Anästhesie | schonende Kinderbehandlung | entspannte, angstfreie Behandlung | Geriatrische Zahnheilkunde | hochauflösende intraorale Kamera | professionelle Zahnreinigung | Bißerhöhungsschiene | Kompositfüllungen | Komposite | Maschinelle Endodontie |Composite | Aligner Therapie | ästhetische Kieferorthopädie | Invisalign | Behandlungsmikroskop | Zähnebleichen


Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing




Dr. med. dent. Isabel Selmair

Clemensstraße 21a

80803 München








Dr. med. dent. Isabel Selmair

Clemensstraße 21a

80803 München








Dr. med. dent. Isabel Selmair

Clemensstraße 21a

80803 München








Dr. med. dent. Isabel Selmair

Clemensstraße 21a

80803 München





Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing
Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing
Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Isabel Selmair München, Schwabing